Former UFO Bassist PETE WAY Completes Radiotherapy Treatment For Prostate Cancer
May 16, 2014Former UFO bassist Pete Way says that he has completed his 38-day radiotherapy treatment for the prostate cancer with which he was diagnosed last year. "[I am] very slowly getting my energy back," he writes on his Facebook page. "I'll get the result as to whether it's worked in a couple of months so it's a waiting game now. Praying it has.
"I'm still on hormone therapy and I can't wait to stop that so I can get back to my normal shape and size.
"I would like to thank all the staff at the radiotherapy department at Poole Hospital in Dorset for being so kind and efficient. The ambulance drivers at E-Zec, who carted me back and forth each day [and] were superb and so helpful at this difficult time. But most of all, I would like to thank you, my fans, for your endless love and messages of support. I'm not sure I could have done this without you. Whenever I got down and feeling miserable for myself, I would read your messages and it would, without exception, lift my spirit. Thank you all so much.
"Provided I'm given the 'all clear' in a couple of months, I'll be going flat out to release my new album, 'Walking On The Edge', and get back on the road where I belong."
Way's treatment reportedly involved undergoing radiotherapy sessions every day for a month to shrink the tumor, in conjunction with hormone therapy.
Way's new album, "Walking On The Edge", is being mixed by producer/engineer Mike Clink, who has previously worked with GUNS N' ROSES and METALLICA.
The news of Way's cancer battle was broken in November by Classic Rock magazine. Way told the publication that he diagnosed last summer during a routine check on his liver, which has been damaged over the years through hepatitis. The abdominal scan picked up the tumor on his prostate.
"I was lucky," Way said. "They were checking my liver, not my prostate. They found it by accident. I didn't think I had any symptoms, but when I spoke to the doctors, and they were asking me all those questions, I did have the symptoms. I just didn't know what they were."
Speaking to Classic Rock, Way said: "This is prostate cancer. It's not lung cancer. It's not pancreatic cancer. If you're going to get cancer, this is the best one you can have — and they caught it early."